Posted August 5, 2015 at 06:19 pm

So many great fanarts for my birthday, I'm so blown away! Thank you so much everyone!! I'm so lucky ;_;


Happy belated birthday to lepas the author and artist of Wilde Life! If you haven’t already read it, I highly suggest it! It’s a paranormal story with werewolves, witches, ghosts and a very normal(?) guy trying to survive through it all!

This is so sweet, Kez! Thank you so much!!

So, I just want to wish Pascalle Lepas (one of my fav artist) a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 🎉 She’s the creator of the awesome webcomic Wilde Life ! [GO READ IT NOW!] And well, just thanks her for making it and keeping up with updates! Oh and also that I REALLY ADMIRE YOU!!! YOU’RE THE BEST!! LOVE YOU!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

this is perfect <3!!!Thank you!  the-dangerous-mute-lunatic:

[Oscar noooo. So recently I go into reading a wonderful comic named Wilde Life by Pascalle Lepas.Seriously. Go read it. It’s awesome and I need someone to worry with me about Oscar here.]

I’m deciding that you did this for my birthday, so THANK YOU SO MUCH! I LOVE IT!
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