Posted October 18, 2015 at 10:32 am

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Dread Wolf vs Shit Wolf
I dunno ok I just had a really long week and I finished my work and this was the cooldown doodle so.<3 <3 <3 to everyone who loves Dragon Age AND Wilde Life <3 <3 <3You are a sparkling treasure <3

!!!!!!!!!But from everything that I have learned about Dragon Age so far it seems like Solas is also a shit wolf. :3 spectrumstungun:

Wilde Life by Pascalle Lepas is one of the best comics out there, read it and weep with me

I LOVE THISALSO weird kismet because I’m also working on them in that same kitchen with that same aloe plant!!!and they look really surprised about it.

he looks so intense!! jasperlizard:

Fanart for lepas‘s webcomic, Wilde Life! Its one of my favorite webcomics and you should go read it because it has amazing writing and beautiful art and WEREWOLVES so what more do you need.
Anyway here’s a generic painting of Clifford the teenage jerk werewolf. 

so pretty!!

Accidental Wilde Life fanart. 

so pretty! Classic Oscar expression. :) bluelemonsketch:

Sylvia by Sariibubblecat She’s Sylvia from Lepas’ webcomic “Wilde life”! Go read it,you won’t regret it!

what a cute expression!
Day 2 : Clifford (Wilde Life webcomic) adorable-anarchist:

Wilde Life is a good comic, go read it

I love how Cliff is like “Pay attention to me, so I can ignore you!.” haha
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I hadn't done a roundup in a couple months, and there's so many great things! Thanks so much, artists! <3

If you've done a fanart and you want me to see, just tag it "wilde life" on tumblr, tweet @lepas on twitter, or note/mention Lepas on DA. 

Tags: fanart
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